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Free coupons33000+ Coupons, 8000+ Local businesses, 3000+ Cities, 47 States & Canada, 1 AppRTUI Free Coupons helps you discover local businesses, great deals and special offers or simply routes you to the point of interest- EASY and ORGANIZED - find what you need when you need it- SEARCH coupons based on LOCATION and CATEGORY- DRIVE TO LOCATION - the app map helps you navigate where you want to redeem a coupon- SAVE your FAVORITE COUPONS for later use
This app is offered by Register Tapes Unlimited (RTUI), a national leader in the creation and distribution of register tape advertisement. Using the back of register tape, RTUI advertises coupons for local businesses in 47 US states and throughout Canada.
Now RTUI has developed a digital Smart Coupon program that brings local business coupons to your Smart Device for easy redemption.
So start saving on items you use daily with the RTUI Free Coupons program.